Friday, September 16, 2011


I turned my Facebook page off last night when I got home from work after realizing I am on that thing far too often. I didn't realize how actually addicted I was to it until I compared it to my times as a smoker. And how eerily alike they both seemed to be. When I used to smoke, I would wake up, go to the bathroom, crab my coffee, turn some cartoons on for Dude, and go outside for a cigarette (or as lovingly refered to by my family on vacation one vitamins). I would then make breakfast, feed Dude, clean up breakfast, grab a second cup of coffee, and reward myself for accomplishing those tasks with another cigarette. I would then shower, get dressed, and get ready for the day and OOOH, I did that so awesomely, time to go outside. OH now someone called me, time to go outside while I talk on the phone. I mean, I don't want to disturb anyone with my conversation now do I? I dusted the house, so before I vaccum, time to smoke. Seriously. That was what started my day off, and that is what I did after accomplishing anything. Now, sadly, my FB is the same way...except I can check that while still being with my children. Every morning while drinking my cup o' joe and watching the news, I check my FB. After taking Dude to school, check my FB. After cleaning the kitchen from breakfast and last nights dinner (if I worked there is usually something from it left for me), I'll check my FB. Before my shower, after my shower. Before lunch, after lunch. While on the phone. In the bathroom. Before work, after work...sometimes *GASP* at work. Seriously. It is an addiction, and one that won't give my children cancer if I use it in front of them. Now, to fully break a habit, it is proven you need 21 days of complete abstinence. According to that, I shouldn't log back in until October 7. Truthfully, I will probably log in WAY before that. I would love to not, but let's face it, it has become almost a way of life. I communicate with some people solely through Facebook.  I do really enjoy it (although I also thoroughly enjoyed smoking too). So, for now I am off. Tomorrow I might come back. Maybe I will surprise myself and stay off for a week, or two, or three. Who knows?

1 comment:

  1. ohhh the double-edged sword of facebook. seriously, i feel like it'd be easier for me to give up the web altogether rather than just's the first thing i check!
