Monday, May 23, 2011

I haven't written in awhile because I am just plain exhausted and can't think of anything. Honestly. The Bubs has been sick twice now since I wrote last (Roseola and now a bad cold). On the plus side, this is his first real cold since his surgery and his ears are completely fine! YAY! But molars are working their way up and in and that equals a constant waterfall from the nose and mouth along with the need to sneak in a bite of my arm/leg/shoulder/face whenever the opportunity presents itself. This behavior is 100% not tolerable and he knows it so he does it when I'm not looking. Like say, I'm reading a book in a pair of shorts. Or maybe carrying him up the stairs to bed. It's a shame Twilight is done filming they could have used him as one of the vampires (or bampires as Dude used to call them).
Last night, during one of Bubbie's nightly crying matches, the cat joined us in his room. Now, Bubs has only seen this cat about 5 times in his life because she only comes around when the kids (and dog) are in their respective beds asleep. So to have this tiny, furry, noise making thing come in his room was a big deal...especially to a Bubbie who didn't want to go back to sleep. It took some time and a few hundred Bubbie barks (all animals still currently bark), before he succumbed to the tylenol induced sleep that was enveloping his brain. After he was in bed, and it was pushing 12:30am, I started reminiscing of the days when Dude was small. When please was pweeze, thank you was tank too, and I love you was I lo u. It blows my mind how quickly the time went, how overnight mazagines became magazines, Blankie is no longer needed for a solid night sleep, and Sesame Street was replaced with Star Wars. I still remember at 4 years old being asked NOT to kiss him at soccer because people might see him. REALLY? I now have to get a hug and kiss before we turn the corner to school. Although, I truly enjoy Dude and all his intricacies, like saying Thank you to the waitress in Japanese when we went out to dinner, I would really like him to slow down a bit. I miss the sweetness of complete and sheer innocence. So, while Bubbie is keeping me pretty exhausted 80% of the time, I look at Dude and realize how quickly this stage of life goes, and try and relish it.

*Coundown to vacation... T-33 day!!!!

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