Friday, January 27, 2012

It's Been Awhile

I have a whole lot to say and nothing to write. Hrmph. This summer went by way too quickly. We went to the beach which in itself is pretty awesome since we hadn't gone for more than a day trip in 4 years and I NEED my beach. But let me put it out there, vacation with a Bubbie is NOT a vacation. It is real life in a different location with a sleep deprived toddler. I am grateful that we got to go, I am thankful that we got to go, but I'm being honest. My child is a handful. There is no laying on the beach relaxing with him. It was chasing him up and down the waters edge trying to make sure he doesn't drown...or steal any more balls. Yes, he was the theif. Sorry. At least he is cute! Hey, we live in America, if you look good you can get away with anything. :)  When we got home from vacation we were thrown into the world of a sick dog. There is nothing as degrading as having to collect a urine sample from a dog. My neighbors must think I'm crazy. It's fine...I am. Once Mr. B got healthy, we were able to celebrate our anniversary and had the privilege of coming home to fleas. SERIOUSLY! After wiping out Petco's complete supply of flea bombs, powders, sprays, and drops we got that situation under control. Dude had 2 weeks of swimming lessons, which apparently swimming is his talent, followed by a week of VBS and now school is back in session. I thought this week would be my down week. You know, YES big kid is in school, just me and the Bubbie, I can finally sit and relax. But there is no relaxing. Our coffee maker and dryer both died (well, the coffee maker was murdered but whatever). Two extra trips to Target, a trip to the appliance store, and a couple of hurricane aftermath shifts, I am pooped. Not to mention the affect school has had on the little brother. Since school started, he has started waking up at night and needing to be held. And he really doesn't like that I have to leave for work. Seperation anxiety at it's finest.

That post was a draft I just found from the very end of August beginning of September. I am not sure why I didn't finish or publish it. ADD at it's finest my friends! Apparently, my life is one big blur of exhaustion, mishaps, tears, and laughter. Because believe me, I have the most incredible talent of crying with the best of them. Typically, my tears wind up in laughter...either because my children feel the need to comfort their poor sad mama, or my husband makes a joke out of how quite ridiculous I am. I'm an emotional person and I feel deeply, I love deeply, I hurt deeply. It's me. It's always been me. I don't let my emotions rule me but I definitely do feel everything to the core. Something I work on yet am told is admirable. I've been told I'm loyal to a fault. That's ok. I'd rather be loyal than disloyal. I have certainly learned who to be loyal to over the years though! Sorry for the tangent, but, it's my blog and I can go into as many as I want. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012


I haven't written in months and I continually tell myself I am going to and then I get distracted. This past year flew by so quickly that I can't even remember half of it. I used to pride myself on my awesome memory but now people remind me of funny stories I have told and I have no memory of them. Early onset Alzheimer's maybe. Consequently, I can't remember half of the things I wanted to put in here so now you get some ramblings about how uninspired I am.

As I wrote last year, I am not the biggest fan of New Year's resolutions, but I made some anyway this year. And like the expert on the news said (yes, they had a resolution expert interviewed...seriously America?), don't give up if you break them once, try again. Soooo, here we go.

#1. More reading, less watching. My goal this year is to read through the Bible (or at least follow the study on my own pace). I'm not doing the standard start in Genesis and go, it is a very sporadic study so that you don't get confused or bogged down in Leviticus and Numbers and give up. I also want to read 2 books a month. I figured, the hubs bought me a Fire for a reason, right? So, while I am doing all this reading my 2nd part to number 1 will come easily...less watching TV. I find myself often just mindlessly watching crap...and that's gotta stop. There is nothing wrong with downtime but I don't need to veg out constantly in front of the tube. Come to think of it, that was one of my improvements from last year. I'll just say I'm following the experts advice and picking up where I left off...wherever that may have been.

#2. It's ok if my house isn't spotless. Well, at least I am going to tell myself that until I hopefully believe it. I put so much time and energy trying to keep this house clean that I often miss out on relaxing time with my men...and lots of cuddles. And let's face it, the Bubs is turning 2 (yes, 2, already) and Fred will be 8 shortly after. I can't believe that I have two kids, let alone a big kid and a toddler. So, less time being "busy" and more time with my men.

#3. PSSSSH, there is no number 3, I'm already having trouble with 1 & 2 (especially 2!).